Now More Than Ever

The World grows ever darker. 

My pops taught me at a young age NOT to watch the news. He told me it would just fill me with fear and discouragement and would deplete my faith. He was right. I want to be aware of what’s happening in the world, but I can’t give much attention to the news because it’s always negative and fear-based. Same goes for social media. I have to be careful with what I allow myself to read and pay attention to. There’s just so much; and that so much can easily steal my faith in God and His calling on His people.

We are dealing with some crazy things these days: ISIS, new gender and marriage laws, increasing violence, a bleak political scene. We could go on and on with the examples. But you are well aware of where we are at.

My only response is Jesus. We need Jesus. In the aftermath of Orlando, the answer is Jesus. When it comes to voting for a president, we need Jesus. He’s the light of the world and hope of all the earth. 

The World is growing ever darker, but the darkness does not scare God. He simply lights it up with His presence. In the midst of darkness, the light shines brighter. 

I heard this said recently: “To worship in the light is a joy-filled act of faith, but to worship in the dark is a faith-fueled act of war.” As Ephesians 6 tells us, we are not wrestling against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 

May we worship with our lives and represent Jesus to a world in desperate need of Him.

Now more than ever, we need to…
Extend kindness and grace.
Love unconditionally.
Be in the Word.
Know the Word.
Live the Word.
Stand for truth.

Now more than ever, we need to…
Listen to the voice of God.
Following the leading of the Spirit.
Be watchful, alert, vigilant.
Take our rightful authority over the devil. 
Walk in the power and authority God has given us through His Spirit.
Know our identity.

Now more than ever, we need to…
Set aside our differences.
Set aside our finger pointing judgements.
Walk in unity.
Encourage and build up.
Speak life.
Offer hope. 
Prioritize others.
Be intentional.

Now more than ever, we need to be the light our heavenly Father has commissioned us to be. Now more than ever, we need Jesus to do what only He can do.

Laurie serves as the co-pastor of New Testament Christian Church in Rochester, NY and has over a decade of full time youth ministry experience under her belt. She juggles a variety of tasks that extend beyond the local church. Laurie is a director for Camp Shiloh’s summer youth camps; serves on 2 national youth ministry boards; helped start a mentoring program in a local public high school; has taught abstinence courses in several local public schools; coached 3 different sports on the high school level for 10 years; and is called upon regularly to preach at both adult and youth gatherings. 

In all she does, Laurie’s life is marked by energy, passion and commitment to the cause of Christ. Her desire is to simply “love people and lead them to Jesus.” Laurie is an EBI grad and ordained minister with EF. She lives in Rochester with her husband James, where they manage to survive despite her lack of cooking skills. 

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